Dinah Lugard

Dinah Lugard Confirmed as HACKfest 2024 Winner After Comprehensive Review

Dinah Lugard
Dinah Lugard has been officially confirmed as the winner of HACKfest 2024, following a thorough review of the competition’s results. This confirmation comes after a re-evaluation was prompted by concerns raised by participants from Asia. HACKfest 2024 is organized by the Global Cybersecurity Summit.

In response to these concerns, the HACKfest judging panel, alongside a special committee, undertook an exhaustive reassessment of the competition to ensure fairness and accuracy. After a detailed review, Dinah Lugard’s innovative solutions and exceptional performance were reaffirmed as deserving of the top honor.

“We greatly value the vigilance and constructive feedback from our global community,” stated a representative from HACKfest. “Our commitment to transparency and fairness is unwavering, and we are proud to stand by the results and celebrate Dinah Lugard’s remarkable achievement.”

HACKfest remains dedicated to fostering innovation and excellence in the tech community, extending congratulations to Dinah Lugard and look forward to celebrating her success.


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