Muyiwa Hassan

Muyiwa Hassan: Pioneering Agricultural Innovation in Nigeria

Muyiwa Hassan

Tell us your name and where you are from:

My name is Muyiwa Hassan, and I’m from Ibadan, Oyo State.

Tell us about your educational background and your profession:

I attended Mary Hill Convent School in Idi-Ape, Ibadan. For my junior secondary education, I went to Nickdel College, and I completed my senior secondary education at Westley College of Science in Elekuro, Ibadan. I then pursued a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science at Babcock University in Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State. Additionally, I hold a degree in Investment Law from Adams State University in Colorado. Currently, I am working on my Master’s in Business Administration at the University of Sunderland.

Professionally, I am a farmer, a vocation that runs in my blood. My father was a prominent and successful farmer who held prestigious positions in agriculture at both state and national levels. Beyond academic qualifications, my passion has always been in agriculture. I aim to bridge gaps in wealth, address food shortages, create employment opportunities, and stimulate economic growth. Agriculture offers a win-win scenario with low entry barriers, making it accessible even to those with limited education.

Muyiwa Hassan

Are you the CEO of Mirth Agric Farms?

No, I am not the CEO of Mirth Agric Farms. I am one of the directors, taking over the family business that has been in existence for over 30 years. Mirth Agric Farms is not just an organization to me; it is my home, my family, my life, and my heritage. My role as a director has been pivotal in driving Mirth Agric Farm’s mission to provide agricultural resources and benefits, boost the economy, and establish the farm as a model for the continent. One of our main goals is to attract new people to agriculture and showcase its benefits, wealth, and endless opportunities.

Muyiwa Hassan

What types of farm produce do you sell at Mirth Agric Farms?

At Mirth Agric Farms, we specialize in livestock production and sales.

Muyiwa Hassan

What makes your farm produce unique or special compared to competitors?

Our farm produce is unique because we carefully select exotic breeds for breeding, ensuring superior quality. We focus on improving meat quality (carcass quality) and delivering farm produce at the highest level of quality and improvement.


What problem is Mirth Agric Farms here to solve?

Agriculture was once the bedrock of Nigeria’s economy before the oil boom. Mirth Agric Farms is committed to addressing the hunger and quality crisis in our country. We aim to enhance food security by providing high-quality meat and other farm produce. Our focus is on producing grass-fed, mixed-breed livestock for better breeding and consumption, creating employment opportunities, and improving the overall quality of agricultural products.

Muyiwa Hassan

What are some of the challenges you face running your farm business in Nigeria and how have you been able to solve them so far?

Running a farm business in Nigeria comes with numerous challenges, including high feed costs, disease control, limited access to veterinary services, the need for improved breeds, and anti-grazing laws. To address these issues, Mirth Agric Farms has developed a 78-acre commercial paddock for livestock feeding, mitigating the impact of grazing land shortages and anti-grazing laws. Additionally, we are researching disease-resistant livestock varieties to enhance productivity and profitability for farmers. Our efforts benefit both existing and new farmers, positioning us as a model for improvement and guidance in the industry.


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