Cecilia Bug

Cecilia Bug Leads Dinah Lugard to Victory at HACKfest 2024

Dinah Lugard, representing Nigeria, secured the top spot at HACKfest 2024 with her groundbreaking development, the Cecilia Bug antivirus software. Developed during the competition, Cecilia Bug is an innovative antivirus application designed to unfreeze electronic devices, particularly phones, when they are attacked by phishing messages from hackers. These phishing attacks typically freeze devices, but Cecilia ...

Forbes BLK welcomes Dinah Lugard as its newest member

Dinah Lugard has joined the prestigious Forbes BLK community. This honor highlights her exceptional journey and accomplishments. Forbes BLK, a branch of Forbes magazine, celebrates the achievements of Black leaders, entrepreneurs, and influencers. Dinah’s inclusion underscores her remarkable success and ...